My sweet friend Michelle, who actually owns the house with her husband Pat,
came up with the idea for an occasional shop at 200 West River Street.
At the time Michelle also owned the salon next door so she approached me
with the idea. I passed it off for several months believing there was no way
I could pull something like this off, but the idea continued to present itself.
At that point, I called my friend, Cindy Heltemes, to see if she was interested
in starting this business with me. We talked it over with our husbands, who
were quickly on board and were a huge help with fixing up this old house.
Drawers of Davlee opened in April of 2008, and it has been a privilege to be
a part of something that is much bigger than either of us. At the end of 2013,
Cindy made the decision to leave Drawers of Davlee, though we continue a
very close friendship to this day.
I am thankful to have met such wonderful new friends because of Drawers,
both as venders and customers. I will always be
blessed by all that has
happened because of this little shop. I continue to look forward to whatever
the future holds for Drawers of Davlee, the new people I will meet and the
friendships that will be made. Thank you to every customer that steps into our
shop and supports the idea of good ol' fashioned small business.
Amy Jackson