Follow Hwy 25 South to Monticello, Turn Right (West) on Broadway St, travel
one block and turn Right (North) onto Walnut St, follow for one block, street
ends in the Drawers of Davlee parking lot, we are on your Left.

Follow Hwy 25 North to Monticello, Turn Left (West) on Broadway St, travel
one block and turn Right (North) onto Walnut St, follow for one block, street
ends in the Drawers of Davlee parking lot, we are on your Left.

Travel on Hwy 10 East turn Right (South-West) onto County Road 11, follow to
Hwy 25- turn Right (South). Turn Right (West) on Broadway St. Travel one block
and turn Right (North) onto Walnut St, follow for one block, street ends in the
Drawers of Davlee parking lot, we are on your Left.

Take 94West to the 2nd Monticello exit (exit #193) Hwy 25 North. Follow Hwy
25 North to a Left turn (West) on Broadway St. Travel one block and turn Right
(North) onto Walnut St, follow for one block, street ends in the Drawers of
Davlee parking lot, we are on your Left.